Zamin Gudalore Parish
Zamin Gadalore was a sab-station of Veitevalam Parish, formerly belonging to Pondicherry Archdioces. There was a small Chapel is Z. Guddalore, which collapsed on the very day the Diocese of Vellore took over Vettevala Parish. From that time, Maw was said under a shady tree. On 25th December, 1974, Z. Guddatore Parish was erected loving its sub-stations Avoor and Vayalur villages of Vettevalam Parish and Sanipoondi village of Gengupatte Parish. Fr. A. T. Thomas was appointed as the first Parish Priest. In the beginning, he was staying in classroom Later, a small Parish house was built. The foundation for a big Church was laid in 1975 With the generous help of the Bishop, Fr. Capiaghi S.D.B., the co-operation of the people and the hard work of Fr. A. T. Thomas, it was solemnly blessed on 16-3-1978. After the formation of Z. Guddalore Parish, it improved in many ways. A Chapel was built at Vayalur. Now, there are 4 boys studying for priesthood. 4 for sisterhood, 2 in colleges and about 30 boys & girls in various boardings About Ra. 75,000 were given as fouts to the parishioners for purchasing cows and pump-sets, for sinking and deepening wells etc. There are 3 schools in the Parish. The Catholics number 3,947. Fr. A. T. Thomas continues to be the Parish Priest.
Parish Details
Parish Name : Zamin Gudalore Parish
Church Name : St. Francis Xavier Church
Post : Rev Fr. Parish Priest, St. Francis Xavier Church, Zamin Guddalore, Via. Avoor, Tiruvannamalai Dt - 606 755
Contact : 9486620070
Run By : Diocesan
Vicariate : Vettavalam Vicariate

St. Francis Xavier Church

Fr. Rayappan A
Anbiams (BCC)
Sub-Stations with Church
Sub-Stations without Church
Associations / Club
Sub Station / Main Station | Day | Timing | Title | Remarks |
Sub Station / Main Station | Event | Date | Day | Month | Timing | Organised By | Remarks |
Sub Station / Main Station | Date | Event | Day | Month | Timing | Organised By | Remarks |