Vellore Diocese

Kaniyambadi Parish

The origins of this Christian community of Kaniyambadi dates back to about 1700 AD At about that time, The Nawab of Vellore, stationed a small military unit in this place to guard the valley of Kaniyambadi, where deceit was playing havoc to the pedestrians. The Ambedkar of this unit was a Telugu Catholic. Later on, young men came to marry his daughters and his sons married and brought Catholic wives from Andhra Pradesh. To these families the Nawab gave Manniams of land (Royal gifts) and the families settled down here, Thus the nucleus of this Christian community was formed. Towards the last quarter of the 18th century, during the severe persecution and forcible conversion to Islam. Launched by Tippu Sultan of Mysore, several Catholic communities of the ancient Carnatic Mission in Rayalasema dispersed in panic and several came south to the Vellore kingdom and settled down where there were Christian communities. Some Reddi and Kavarai families settled down along with the snail Christian community in Kaniyambadi. Individual families from different villages, for reasons of their own, came and added up to the community. Thus, the community grew. Also, in the adjoining village of Vepempel, we have about a hundred, Tamil Catholics Altogether the Catholic population of this Parish stands 1218 Right from the beginning of the existence of this Christian community hero priests from Pondicherry Mission turns to visit them occasionally and look after their spiritual nerds. A small hut was the Chapel cum residence of the visiting priest. In 1840 one Fr. Santhian built a small Chapel and house for the visiting priests to stay. In 1880 a one-teacher Telugu school also was started. From 1880 onwards, the resident priests of Vellore-Arokizinada Church were in charge of this Christian con munity. Frs, Bolan. Eugnon, Darras, Santhian. Sacre and Trideu are some of the priests whom the older generation still remember with gratitude Fr. Sacre in 1900 laid the foundation of the present Church and Fr Tridou completed the main structure by 1920, The succeeding Parish Priests slowly completed and beautified it. The present presbytery was built by the late Archbishop Magr. L. Mathias, 5.0. This Mission was created into a Parish by the same Archbishop in 1945. Its first Parish Priest was Fr. A. Bainin. Alter the hard work of the castor in the persons of Fr. K. C Mathew, Msgr. Menezes cte, the Parish bas taken big strides in all round developments. The present Parish Priest is Fr. Jose M. Lawrence.
  • Parish Details
  • Parish Name : Kaniyambadi Parish
  • Church Name : Sacred Heart of Jesus Church
  • Post : Rev Fr. Parish Priest, Sacred Heart Church, Kaniyambadi, Vellore Dt - 632 102
  • Contact : 9443346984
  • Run By : Diocesan
  • Vicariate : Vellore Vicariate
Sacred Heart of Jesus Church
Fr. Daniel S


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