A Kattupadi Parish
The Christians of this village originally belonged to Andhra Pradesh. They were converted in the 18th century by the French Jesuit Missionaries of the Madura Mission. Since they were persecuted by their Hindu brethren they immigrated to this village. At the request of the French Missionaries the Nawab of Arcot ranted Item lands free of cast and they established themselves in this village vine then. T was in the year 1550 that a SMA!! Chapel wat wilt by the French Missionary, Fr. Moncoutitr, in the sit donated by a certain Sugili Rayappa Reddy and Bedrapalli Arocksuamy. The Church was dedicated to St. Antony Owing to beavy rains in the year 1941, the Church collapsed. Intermediately the then Arch- Bishop of Madras, Dr. Louis Mathias raised the present Church by the identic able efforts of J. Sandanam the Parish Priest of Vellore. In a year’s time a Church of 100 by 35 Er J. Rise up at the present site. Till 1945 the present Parish was looked after by the Assumption Parish, Vellore It was only in 1945 that this Parish was separated and the first Parish Priest was installed the present total population of this Parish in 1038, There are various Pious Associations such as Catholic Action, Sodality of Mary Help of Christians, Legion of Mary, the Eucharistic Crusade functioning regularly. The daily Massalio is well attended, Sunday observance is quite satisfactory. In 1950 the sisters of St. Anne of Madras were invited to work in this Parish They were sheltered in a small miserable building till the year 1968 when they moved to the present grand edifice which was built by their Mother General together with the substantial aid from our beloved Bishop David. Since 1961 the lines are fully in charge of the School The total strength of the school is 510 of whom 180 ate Catholics, there are 10 sisters and 7 Catholic lady teachers working in the school. The Parish is steadily improving under the energetic Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. K. O. Abraham.
Parish Details
Parish Name : A Kattupadi Parish
Church Name : Mary Help of Christians Church
Post : Rev Fr. Parish Priest, Mary Help of Christians Church, A.Kattupadi, Vellore Dt
Contact : 9486746865
Run By : Diocesan
Vicariate : Vellore Vicariate

Mary Help of Christians Church

Fr. Savarimuthu A C
Anbiams (BCC)
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