C Nammiyandal Parish
C Nammiandal, a substation of Kortampattu Parish till 1910, was separated from it and a young French Monty by name Fr. Mercier was made its first Parish Priest in 1911. This zealots and young Missionary started building a new Parish Church, but could not complete it became of his sudden death in 1918. Fr. Savarinathar completed the Church in 1929, but unhappily the central dome of the Church collapsed on 29-7-1929 killing nine artisans and injuring many others after some interval. Fr. Savarinathar started the building work and completed the dome and other dilapidated parts in 1934, and had it blessed with St. Joseph as the Patron. But the outside plastering and inside flooring were finished much later by Fr. A. Philomen Roj in 1973, Fr. Savainathar and his successors were for some time under the jurisdiction of Madras-Mylapore, from 1934 to 1938, Fr Mark Gopu, later Auxiliary Bishop of Pondicherry and then Archbishop of Hyderabad, was the Parish Priest He built a new school and his successor Pr. D. Antony completed it. Fr, Gnanamanickam brought it as a Middle School. Fr. K. Chinnappan That started a colony for the scattered dhobis of the area and was trying a kind of co-operative farming in a vast area, 84 acres, which he later Managed to get assigned to the settlers of his colony. Unfortunately, everything ended in a failure and all the dhobis, more than 500 of them, got themselves once again scattered in several villages to continue their old servile work. In 1969, C. Nammiandal and five other Parishes of Pondicherry that were in North Arcot District, were attached to the Diocese of Vellore, In the course of time Kuriandal was separated from Nammiandal and made a new Parish in 1972. Ever since Fr. S. Susainathar took charge of this parish on 5th May 1974, in spite of his age and sickness. He works tirelessly for its improvement in all lines. He put up a very good Chapel at Antonypuram, one of the sub-stations of the Paris. For the Presentation Sisters of Coimbatore who came to the Parish on 16th June 1973, a year before his taking charge of the Parish, he has put up a very good Convent building Now he is working heart and soul to execute the Hospital building, the expenses of which in met by Misereor.
Parish Details
Parish Name : C Nammiyandal Parish
Church Name : St. Joseph the Worker Church
Post : Rev Fr. Parish Priest, St. Joseph Church, C.Nammiandal, Via.Kanchi, Tiruvannamalai Dt - 606 703
Contact : 9443968104
Run By : Diocesan
Vicariate : Polur Vicariate

St. Joseph the Worker Church

Fr. Arokiasamy I
Anbiams (BCC)
Sub-Stations with Church
Sub-Stations without Church
Associations / Club
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Sub Station / Main Station | Event | Date | Day | Month | Timing | Organised By | Remarks |
Sub Station / Main Station | Date | Event | Day | Month | Timing | Organised By | Remarks |